Monday, November 26, 2012


Hi everyone! I think I mentioned in a post a while ago that I might be going to the States. Well I am! It's all confirmed, my family and I are leaving on this Friday (30/11) and coming back on the 23rd of December. I wanted to tell you guys earlier but it's been so busy. There was a lot to do before out three week long holiday, what with our dogs, the house, the flights, the accomadation and all those other stuff. Haha I'm making it seem as if I'm the one doing all the planning (I'm not my lovely parents and sister are). 
Anyways, we're going to California! We'll be visiting Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Sand Diego and San Francisco. If we have extra time, we might wander elsewhere. I'm particularly excited for LA. Hollywood, Disneyland, Universal Studios, there's so much to do. And of course, the shopping there. I'm also very excited to go to Alcatraz in San Francisco, I'm a bit of a history geek, you see. 
So I was wondering, if any of you live there or have been there. Wheres the best place for shopping!? Any tips for first-timers like me.  How's the weather there by the way?
I'm not to sure if I'll have any scheduled posts up while I'm gone. I don't think I have time since we're leaving in three days and I haven't even started packing. We still need to buy a few things. The flights pretty long though, 21 hours! I need to get some books to occupy myself or maybe I'll just watch every in-flight movie available. I'll have quite a few posts when I'm back, loads of pictures and maybe a haul or two for you ;)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Christmas Wishlist

So holidays have begun. Yay! I'm getting really annoyed because there is always something in the way of me blogging. Right now, it's my camera. There's something wrong with the shutter, it just won't snap pictures.
Anyways, while I try to get that fixed I thought I'd compile my Christmas wishlist. Christmas is coming up real soon so I thought I'd better get prepared. As you can see, most of my wants are technology and pretty pricey but  I have been eyeing them for a very very very long while. 

1. iPhone 5
I have wanted an iPhone for so long. My current Android is giving me helluva problems to a point where I can't even receive messages anymore. I would most definitely love an iPhone but I will settle for another Android. Maybe Samsung SIII or Samsung Advanced?

2. Stereo
 I really want to be able to listen to music in my room. Right now, I borrow my sister's stereo sometimes but would much prefer my own in my room. I'm not too fussed about it. Just something where I can play my CDs, listen to the radio (FM) and maybe plug in my thumbdrive.

4. Daisy by Marc Jacobs
This perfume is raved about literally everywhere. There are so many positive reviews on blogs and youtube. I  sniffed my friends perfume and I love the scent. I would love either this or Taylor Swift's Wonderstruck.

5. Vans
I haven't decided on the exact pair I want but I know the kind of style I'm going for. Vans are so comfy and look really cool too. Since we're in the shoe category, a pair of Chelsea boots and Combat boots would be lovely too. 

6. iPad 3 
I was gifted the iPad last year for Christmas by my wonderful dad. I loved it so much and was practically glued to it. Later in the year, I was gutted to hear that my iPad was lost. My dad borrowed it one morning and left it on a table. I'm not entirely sure of the story but basically one minute it was there, the next it was gone. I miss it so much and would love a replacement. I think I prefer this over the iPad Mini though. Hmm, what do you think? iPad 3 or iPad Mini?

7. Nikon D3200 / Nikon D3100
Like I said, our current family camera (Nikon P500) has been acting up. Just giving loads of problem.
I want a camera for myself so I don't have to worry about memory space and someone else using it. A camera that I can use solely for blogging and school projects. Nikon D3100 is also fine. I personally don't know the difference so if some kind soul would explain that to me, it would be greatly appreciated. Also if you have this model, does it work well for you? And if you have a camera that you love, please comment below what model and why. It can be Canon or whatever else. I'm still not too sure what camera model I want yet and your advice would be so helpful.

8. The Wanted album
You probably don't know my slight obsession with them. I absolutely love them all the tracks on this album and would love my very own copy. I also hear loads of good things about Red by Taylor Swift. What do you think?

7. Gift vouchers
I love gift vouchers! I appreciate the thought of someone going out and choosing something especially for you but most of the time the clothes/shoes/watches are not to my taste or size. This is just waaay easier. Elianto, H&M, Topshop, Cotton On, Forever 21 are some of the gift vouchers I would love to have.

So there, my Christmas 2012 wishlist. Well that turned out to be incredibly lengthy. I also say 'love' a lot, sorry! I really should widen my vocabulary. What are some of your gifts you would love to receive? There I go again.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blogger Tag

Hey! it's been ages but my exams are finally over so here I am. I missed blogging  but I hope my results pays off. I've got quite a few post ideas lined up so i'll have to make a start on them. Anyways, I was tagged by the lovely Klaudia from Style It With Me to do the Blogger Tag. Sorry it took a while to get this post up but  I went away on a short trip and just returned today. Klaudia is super nice and has a great blog so you guys should all go check it out.
So on with the tag...

The rules are:

  1. Each person tagged must post 11 random facts about themselves
  2. They must answer the 11 questions posted by the previous blogger. 
  3. They must create 11 more questions to ask their tagged bloggers.
  4. They must tag 11 blogs with less than 200 followers.
  5. The bloggers must be told.
  6. No tag backs.

11 random facts about me
  1. I love love love Kit Kats!
  2. No matter how many times I clean my room, it always goes back to being messy.
  3. My hair is usually always in a bun.
  4. I actually like green tea.
  5. I haven't been to Nandos yet.
  6. I prefer chilled chocolate milk over warmed ones.
  7. I'm allergic to seafood :(
  8. I hate when my nails break.
  9. I've been on a student exchange program to Australia. 
  10. I tend to write down inspirational quotes and lyrics.
  11. I have quite possibly the best friends ever.

Klaudia's questions for me

1. Are you a saver or a spender?
Saver. I'd like to say spender but I usually put away any extra pocket money for special occasions.

2. Blackberry or iPhone

iPhone!!! I haven't got one (I don't have a blackberry either) but I really do want one. I just think it has so many more cooler functions and blackberry, to me is a work phone. 
3. Favourite magazine
Seventeen and Galaxie mags.

4.What's your hobby?
I don't really have one but blogging and reading (if that counts).

5. What do you usually eat for breakfast.
Cereal on school days and weekends maybe pancakes or fry-ups.

6. What country would you like to visit?
Quite a few as you can see in my bucket list but right now States and UK (again).

7. What's your favourite fruit or vegetable?
I don't have a favourite veg but I like mangoes and grapes.

8.  Do you prefer writing in pen or pencil?
Pencil, preferable mechanical pencils.

9. What holiday you went on was your favourite?
UK back in March was nice but I was only there for a week and didn't see much so maybe New Zealand a few years ago. It was a huge change to Malaysia and quite peaceful.

10. Facebook or Twitter?
Twitter! Facebook is pretty boring these days. 

11. Is your bedroom currently messy or tidy?
Messy :(

Questions for you
  1. Have you been overseas? Where?
  2. Do you prefer tea or coffee?
  3. What's one thing you would like to accomplish before the year ends?
  4. Lefty or Righty?
  5. Favourite snack?
  6. Long nails or short nails?
  7. What's a favourite quote/lyric of yours?
  8. Do you have any pets?
  9. What's the best freebie you have ever gotten?
  10. What's a fear of yours?
  11. What's your favourite animal?

I tag...
and you, of course!