About Me

My name's Shameta. 

I'm a Malaysian studying at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. Between juggling Psychology coursework and keeping up with my favourite tv shows, I'm still trying to get used to living life abroad. A couple of my favourite things include travelling (lots of it)makeup/fashion, gigs, books & brownies.

I never had a definite plan for this little site. It was just something I've always been meaning to create and one day, I finally got to it. I've always loved writing but never really found the right platform for it until now. My blog is pretty eclectic I would say. Anything that remotely interests me will probably be posted on here, from lifestyle to fashion to beauty to travel....anything!  I started this back in 2011 and it's been through lots of changes with the additional random hiatus from it's owner but at least I'm proud to say it's still hanging about. 



  1. Hello Shameta. I am your newest follower and I love the posts you write. Keep on with good work. Anyway I would be super happy if you follow my blog,
    xoxo Nika


  2. Hi! I love your blog and I just followed you on bloglovin!
    Was wondering if you wanted to do a button swap?
    If so email me!
    Thank you

  3. Oh my gosh! I'm from Malaysia too.
    By the way I would love to swap button with you if you don't mind.
    If so you can email me or reply me through here I guess.
    email, aflowerpowerthing.gmail.com

  4. Hey! I love your blog! I've just followed you, would you mind checking out my blog and maybe follow me back? And also, would you be like to do a button swap? If you do, you can email me ~ realityleaveslotstoimagination@yahoo.co.uk

    Chloe x



Thank you for all of your lovely comments. I try to reply as soon as I can to all of them. Feel free to leave your blog links, I love checking them out :)