Monday, July 24, 2017

For Future Reference


God, I hate that word. Future.
How can such a simple word that used to be filled with endless excitement and unimaginable opportunities be so daunting now. I guess that's the beauty of growing up, everything starts to lose a little magic as each year goes by. (gag) I'm speaking as if I'm a tired 50-year-old who has persevered through everything life has thrown at me and lived to tell the tale. When in reality, it is quite the opposite. I'm 19-years-young and has just sauntered home after a really good dim sum lunch and flipped open her laptop to find multiple tabs and windows left open from when I was intently researching career prospects and crazily trying to plan and organise the next 5-7 years of my life one late night.

It's crazy. I'm crazy. If there's one thing I've learnt on my short time on this planet, it's that things rarely carry out as we planned. I can sit here all day trying to decide which degree would give me a better chance at being admitted into a doctorate programme and reviewing all the volunteering and work experience I'll need to undergo after in order to make the cut...but, what good does it do if in a couple months or years from now, I'm sitting in a lecture hall and it hits me that maybe I don't want this path anymore. What happen's then?

Monday, July 10, 2017

Colourpop haul!

This package came at such an unfortunate time, literally the day after my dad gave me a lecture about saving money and then this parcel arrived in time to remind me I spent over $50 just to get free shipping from Colourpop. I was still excited though because I've been wanting to try their makeup for sooo long. I picked up mainly lippies but also a super shock blush in Flush'd and a highlighter in Glo Up. Both products were super creamy and pigmented and worked best when I used my fingers to apply them. They had a very interesting, almost bouncy texture which I guess is the main feature of the super shock line. Both the  matte coral blush and golden highlighter looked amazing on my tan skin and stayed on pretty well, such pretty colours for summer!