Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Piano Grade 3

Hi guys!
So I'm pretty happy right now because I just got my piano exam results. I PASSED!!! In case you didn't know, I took my Grade 3 practical exam in July and have been waiting nervously since. The moment I stepped out of the exam/hotel room I instantly thought that I was going to fail. 
I have a love-hate relationship with my piano. I love playing when I can hear the melody flowing and I'm not messing up but I hate it when I mix up notes or pause a lot which makes gets me so frustrated. That is bound to happen when you are starting out a new piece of music which is why I don't practice often when I'm beginning (this gets my teacher sooo mad). When I get the hang of it, I love playing. I love watching my fingers moving on the keyboard and hearing the music come alive (as cheesy as that sounds). I mostly like playing movie themes and modern music, not a huge fan of classical. I've just done Colours of the Wind (Pocahontas) and am now learning to play My Heart Will Go On (Titanic). I am enjoying these pieces because I actually know how they're suppose to sound like and dread when I will move to classics later on.
Honestly, I didn't practice much and was a huuuuuge procrastinator. I was constantly being reminded by my mum that exam wasn't very far of and yaddiyaddiyah. I didn't really take much notice until it was a week away and then I started to panic. To really panic. I practiced all hours but I thought it wasn't enough. 
I had a pretty bad start, I greeted the examiner wrongly (How can I say Good Morning at 3pm???), I almost forgot my scales and I stumbled on my first piece. Not at all a good start. So I thought I was doomed to repeat the grade but I guess not. I did though, worry my piano teacher and mum a lot. My dad's just happy I don't make his ears bleed I guess (And I guess all dads aren't that hard to please). 
I got 115 which is 5 marks to a merit. Which is pretty sad, I mean if i had practice a little more I could have gotten a merit. All in all, I'm pretty happy with my marks and the fact that I passed. I'm deffinitely going to try a little harder next time.


  1. I used to play the violin and it was pretty frustrating to learn, now I play the guitar and it's easier when I practice a lot :)



    1. Yeah, I guess practice really does make perfect. I've always wanted to try the guitar :)x

  2. i wanna learn how to play the piano.. i know how to play the violin and trumpet :)


    1. That's really cool. You can have a pretty good time on the piano if you set your mind to it :)x

  3. Well done, it is pretty tough trying to practise for an exam. I have my final grade in violin coming up very soon, and I am getting really nervous. I know that I haven't done enough practise yet, I need someone to kick me to do it :)
    xox Niamh xox

    1. That was exactly how I was! Try your best, keep thinking how happy you'll be when you pass. I'm sure you will though, good luck :)x


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