Monday, February 11, 2013

One Hundred Names

Cecelia Ahern has always been one of my favourite authors ever since I brought home P.s. I Love You
which is still one of favourite books by her. I've read every single one of her novels (except Girl in the Mirror) and own 6 of them.
My favourites are P.s. I Love You (no brainer here) Where The Rainbow Ends (I think this is called
Love, Rosie in the US), If You Could See Me Now and The Gift. 
P.s. I Love you was adapted into a film which I have watched and I think it was pretty good. (mainly because uh well....Gerard Butler) and has currently 3 of her books being made into movies.
She writes the most inspiring books that always makes me think a little after closing the book. The Gift made me bawl like a baby tear up just a little as did P.s. I Love You. ( Have I mentioned this is my fav yet?)
One Hundred Names happens to be her latest book. When I saw it sitting proudly on the shelf, I grabbed it. Saying sorry to the nice lady who was reaching for it and ran to the cashier. I know. Dramatic much?
But it was a reflex and just look how gorgeous the cover is. If you look closely, you can see names written all over the front and back in a swirly font. Well, I mean obviously cause y'know one hundred...names.
I don't want to give anything away so i'm just going to say that if you happen to find it while browsing around the shops, why not give it a try.


  1. I love reading so I'll definitely keep an eye out for this!xx

    1. You should, most of her books are an eye-opener :)xx

  2. I'm on the lookout for a good read... I'd buy it just for the cute cover :D

    Steph // fun size beauty

    1. I know right! I just realized that it totally matches my blog haha :)xx


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