Hey! So I've seen this tag floating about the blogosphere a lot recently. I thought it is a pretty fun tag and I did enjoy reading other bloggers version so I thought why not do my own.
- Only a handful of people call me by my full name. I'm mostly known as Sham. (Even my Standard 5 Science teacher called me that!)
- I've only been admitted in the hospital twice my whole life. Once when i was very young and the second time, around three days ago.
- One of my fondest memories happen to be the first time I was admitted in the hospital.
- I have never broken any bones, fractured anything or pull/tore any muscles.
- I love traveling.
- I want to live in America someday.
- I have two dogs and a pond full of fish.
- My last name happens to have two of The Wanted (A band I'm obsessed with) members names in it. So basically, we're practically married....
- I've always been pretty tough but recently (after watching The Impossible) the sight of blood or anything to do with it makes me a little nauseous.
- I love Pretty Little Liars and Friends.
- I know it's weird but I really really like Ikea. I don't even know why.
- I have Asthma.
- I am a huge bookworm.
- I am extremely indecisive. So much so that even I get annoyed with myself!
- I hate getting tan! To make matters worse, I get tan so darn easily.
- I'm kinda scared to start driving.
- I wish I could keep a tiger as a pet. I get so fascinated by them
and i wish people would stop killing them. - I am so short.
- I could fall asleep literally anywhere.
- I prefer sweets to salts (e.g. chocolate to crisps)
- I hate mosquitoes.
- I went on an student exchange program to Australia for two weeks when I was 12. One of my most memorable experiences ever.
- I want to have a white Christmas.
- Because of my height, I look a lot younger than I actually am. I still get mistaken for a 12 year old. It comes in handy sometimes, I can getaway with paying less for a movie ticket.
- I've stood on an ostrich egg before when I was younger (it didn't break)

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