I've just realised that it's been quite a while since I've sat down with a book. I'm usually able to read for hours if I want. And if the book is that good I could finish it the same day I started. Lately I've realised I'm staring to loose this habit I've had since I was little. So I thought once in a while I'll do these posts to show you guys what I've been reading. I guess to motivate me a little. So the books I'm currently reading is Hide and Seek and Cross my heart and Hope to die by Sara Shepard. You might know her, she's the author of the Pretty Little Liars series. I love PLL (the show) by the way. Anyways these books are part of her Lying Game series. It's the third and fourth ones. I loved this series. I got the first three books last year together and I kinda forgot how much I love this series. Basically, it's about twins (Sutton and Emma) that got separated at birth. Sutton gets an amazing life, a rich family, great friends, huge house, the works. While Emma got a life in foster care. When Sutton is murdered, Emma gets mistaken for Sutton and she has to live as her sister or else she'll be dead too unless she can figure out who murdered the sister she never got to meet. I love the storyline, it's a good read. Romance, suspense, mystery.....all in this series. I really recommend these books. They are a great summer read to me.
So the picture quality might not be the best but that's because I'm blogging from my ipad. I can't find my camera at the moment so this will have to do.
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